What Is Homeopathy?

Deep Healing and Holistic Health Care

Homeopathy is health care which can bring about deep healing of your physical, mental, and emotional problems.

Homeopathy is a true holistic system: your whole being is considered. A homeopathic remedy which matches your unique combination of symptoms will stimulate your body’s own natural healing abilities to bring about true healing, not just the suppression of symptoms. Homeopathy has effectively helped people with many conditions where orthodox medicine has had limited success.

This can be confusing when viewed from the point of view of conventional medicine, which treats symptoms and conditions in isolation. But homeopathy sees all symptoms as interrelated and treats the person who has the symptoms, not the symptoms themselves. This may sound mysterious, but that’s only because natural healing is unfamiliar and is downplayed by conventional medicine. The method is rational and scientific, does not depend on belief, and the results are real and lasting, with the additional benefit of being without the toxic side effects of pharmaceuticals.

With homeopathy, the focus is on you, not just your disease condition.

The Law of Similars — “like cures like”

Homeopathy is a healing art based on the Law of Similars, which states that if a substance can cause certain symptoms in a healthy person, it has the power to cure those symptoms in a sick person. The word “homeopathy” has Greek roots meaning “same disease.” In other words, like cures like. But the dosage used in homeopathic remedies is such that those actual, toxic symptoms are not caused but instead a healing reaction is stimulated.

However, in order for a homeopathic remedy to be effective, a substance needs to be chosen based on the totality of symptoms. With conventional medicine, some of a person’s symptoms are considered to be part of a particular “disease” while others are not. But homeopathy doesn’t look at problems in isolation. Homeopathy looks at the entire person, on all levels. The Law of Similars is holistic: the whole person heals. To use homeopathy, you need to know something about the state of the person who is sick, not just that person’s main complaint.

Homeopathy heals
mental, emotional, & physical problems
without side effects

The Origin of Homeopathy and Provings

Homeopathy was created by the German physician Samuel Hahnemann in the late 1700’s. The medical principle of “like cures like” is much older than that and is documented in ancient medical texts. But it was Samuel Hahnemann who developed the idea of a proving, after he ingested cinchona bark, which is used to treat malaria, and developed malaria-like symptoms. In a proving, small amounts the substance under investigation are given to people who record their symptoms and experiences. The common symptoms are later gathered from the provers’ journals and those symptoms form the basis for that substance’s use as a homeopathic remedy. Clinical observations from cured cases are later added to the knowledge of that remedy.

With Hahnemann’s provings, the science of homeopathy was born, based on natural law and using knowledge that is systematic, repeatable, and verifiable. Two centuries of practice—and numerous recent scientific studies—support the methods of homeopathy and the principles it is based on.

History of Homeopathy

The oldest medical society in America is the American Institute of Homeopathy established in 1844. At the turn of the last century, there were over 200 Homeopathic hospitals and 22 Homeopathic medical schools. The first medical school to admit women was homeopathic. The only statue of a physician in Washington, D.C. is a monument to the founder of homeopathy, Samuel Hahnemann. Homeopathy became less popular when antibiotics were discovered, but it is growing in popularity again due to concerns over the side effects of medications and people searching for safer and more effective solutions to chronic health problems.

Homeopathy is used throughout the world. It is popular in Europe, Israel, Africa, Central and South America, and India. Over 40% of physicians in Great Britain and the Netherlands either use or recommend homeopathic remedies. And homeopathy is experiencing a resurgence in the United States and Canada. Over 5 million Americans visit homeopaths each year. Homeopathic medicines are FDA approved and are available over the counter.